At the supermarket today, I lined up behind a gentleman. I tend to go through the self-check out. I like doing my own things, in my own time. As soon as someone lines up behind me though, I start panicking and rushing. Kaan’s usual plays become annoying and I keep telling him to…
She sat next to me, the mother of the girl. Proud shoulders, happy eyes. The girl just turned 21. She couldn’t even believe herself. “I’m getting old,” said the girl. The mother said, “I can’t believe my baby is 21”. She had a sip of her drink and her chin fell on to…
We’ve been playing the “OK Google” game since Sunday. Bilgin’s passions are usually infectious. Technology is on top of his list. We kept raining our commands on to Google one after another. -OK Google, what does a crocodile sound like? -OK Google, what does my day look like? -OK Google, I’m bored. And…
Towards the end of June, it’s gotten really hot in Turkey. Bilgin started saying “I had enough with this heat and humidity.” But there I was, hanging on to every drop of sunshine. It meant family, it meant loved ones. One evening alone at home, I sat on the windowsill of our 5th-floor…
I’m in the process of teaching myself not to give a shit about what you think about what I post. Not easy to do since I choose to post publicly, in some sense I post for the audience. As much as I love my solitude, it’s to a certain degree. Beyond that, there’s…
I was talking to a friend yesterday where the Turkish word “balli” came into context. She is Indian but “balli” just described her circumstances. I said, “you bitch, you are so balli”. I’ve met few balli people in my life. There was another friend in London, a Turkish girl born in Greece full…
You would think “cold” and I would get along well since the winters of my childhood were in the snow at houses with one heated room. The rest of the house would be freezing cold especially at night and in the mornings. Oh, I owe the world to my mother to get up…
I’ve gone off posting for my blog. The minute that it felt I was about to post for the sake of posting, it felt wrong. I stopped. My last post was quite a while back. I feel I lack discipline for the commitments I’d like to make. For example, I’d like to write,…