Every now on then I look back. Where things have started, where they ended, where they are going. Often it’s just a memory check. This couple here is one of my first weddings. I was so nervous, never assisted a wedding photographer before, never done one myself. Thanks to my people skills and…
Beautiful, wicked, down to earth Clare Bowditch. My recent obession with Australian artists, photographers and musicians is growing, rightfully so. The pictures are from a concert that Bilgin and I attended a while back…
My father was a quiet man, smiled only with his eyes under his bushy eyebrows. He was short but walked very tall, head up shoulders straight. He wore a ‘sapka’ most of his life. I remember him standing in front of a broken little mirror combing his hair and then putting it back…
I do a lot of daydreaming and I’ll focus on to improve it further:) According to this research it’s not such a bad thing.
The project is extended to some wonderful women from South America…
I’ve been mesmerized by the lyrics of this song for a very long time. The music itself is a magic too. There were times I listened to it over an over again. Luckily for me Ada loves the song even more and sings it along almost all the way. So we’ve had…