I’ve gone off posting for my blog. The minute that it felt I was about to post for the sake of posting, it felt wrong. I stopped. My last post was quite a while back. I feel I lack discipline for the commitments I’d like to make. For example, I’d like to write,…
The older I get the harder I miss my mother. I just want her to live up the road where I can pop in and smell her clean house, have a cup of tea and maybe dump the children for few hours. I want to feel like there’s a place for me other…
I gave up on my 365 Grateful on a very sunny, beautiful autumn day. As I’ve been dreading the greyness of winter, the sunshine has just decided to heal my sorrow. I probably owe an apology to my readers for not keeping my promise and I have reasons, of course. I loved the…
Photographing your own isn’t an easy task. I still managed few though…
I love coffee but this one is for Bilgin as he’s the freak about the science of making coffee…
A beautiful bush only meters away from home…
Love love love photographing little people.
I ought to remind myself how much colour they’ve brought into my life…
A friend popped in with a little souvenir today and brought back all the memories…
When something meant to be yours it finds its way back to you. Coming back from a delightful trip from Mooloolaba last year, I’d left these glasses under the pram and the pram was checked in. Arriving at Melbourne airport, I obviously lost them. Then I tried my luck with the Virgin desk….