I have struggled to find image/images to reflect how I felt in the last few days. I almost felt like I was taken away from myself and was landed some place else. I have disregarded my ambitions, studies, commitments and all the rush of my modern life. All I cared about was ‘home’. I’ve been in a ‘nesting’ mode, only without a baby in the tummy. I turned my head and all I saw around was the clutter of toys, papers, cables, too many shoes, clothes that I couldn’t remember when I wore last time. Ada’s upcoming birthday has given me a valid excuse to set myself a deadline. I almost stopped breathing and just scrubbed, wiped and cleaned. I got a lot done in my own way. The house actually started feeling spacious. I could breath again.
When they say ‘there’s nothing you can’t do’ it is actually true. The problem is what you set your mind to. In the last few days, I’ve found myself constantly thinking of ‘de-cluttering’. I’ve let this go for a very long time and this week, I’m happy it all worked out. A big thank you to my next door neighbour for doing the painting as my house had been turned into an artist’s canvas since Ada. Although not agreeing with my timing, thanks to Bilgin for going along with my ‘nesting’.
Ada had a beautiful party with a bunch of beautiful kids today. Thank you to my dearest, sweetest friends Narelle and Sherin for making the day to run so smoothly.