It’s good to have Bilgin at home in weekends but there’s something special about him having a day off midweek. It’s just different from the weekends. There’s this little game we play with Ada which she immensly enjoys. Some nights we get her ready for bed and she goes no problems and a…
She’s been doing this forever. I’ve come to appreciate it. It’s like teaching me a lesson; matching isn’t such a great deal, life is still good.
They were just beautiful…
While washing a massive load, our washing machine decided not to honour the purpose of its existince yesterday. Today, I hand washed them all and who says I need to exercise! It made me think of my mother. The poor woman did our laundry by hand for years including curtains, sheets, jeans everything….
Had a movie night with Bilgin last night. We watched Birdman at Nova with a glass of wine and indulged in a late night coffee/dessert at Brunetti… The Birdman was magic. Credit to all the actors but especially to the director and cinematography. Very powerful.
I found this at the local pharmacy out of all the places and had to buy it…
She loves visiting Bilgin at work. Today our visit topped up with a cafe outing…
Had a beautiful brunch with friends. Everything tastes better with good company.
It’s amazing how much more life becomes with mind being present. Every little moment turns into an occasion to celebrate. I watched the light around the house. I watched my children to dance around it. I watched my garden in the rain.
Katie was my friend for more than ten years. She helped me get through a very difficult pregnancy with Ada…